Six Takeaways Of The KHN-AP Investigation Into The Erosion Of Public Health

  1. Since 2010
  2. spending for state public health departments has dropped by 16% per capita
  3. and for local health departments by 18%.
  4. At least 38
  5. 000 state and local public health jobs have disappeared since the 2008 recession.
  6. Nearly two-thirds of Americans live in counties that spend more than twice as much on policing as they spend on non-hospital health care
  7. which includes public health.
  8. More than three-quarters of Americans live in states that spend less than $100 per person annually on public health. Spending ranges from $32 in Louisiana to $263 in Delaware.
  9. Some public health workers earn so little that they qualify for government assistance.
  10. States
  11. cities and counties whose tax revenues have declined during the current recession have begun laying off and furloughing public health staffers.

Source: KHN, Six Takeaways Of The KHN-AP Investigation Into The Erosion Of Public Health -…